At Tanza Basenjis we believe in breeding for the functional Basenji. One that can still do what they were bred to do in their native Africa, to hunt game. Lure Coursing is a great way to keep them functional and also the most wonderful thing to watch as your Basenji Runs Free in pursuit of "The Bunny". Your Basenji can earn titles on the Lure Field both in ASFA (American Sighthound Field Asso) and AKC (American Kennel Club). You can find out about coursing in your area by contacting one of the clubs listed on the ASFA Web Site or talk to your local Basenji Club (visit the Basenji Club of America web site for regional clubs in your area). Tanza Basenjis feel that a functional Basenji can and should compete in the show ring, proving they have the correct conformation according to the Standard and also can compete on the Lure Field. Basenjis also compete in Obedience and Agility but we at Tanza have chosen to concentrate on the Show Ring and Lure Coursing. Scroll down for more information on Lure Coursing!
Tanza Basenjis is priviledged to own the First Basenji to earn a LCM 4, LCM 5 and 2nd to earn a LCM 6 (LCM 6 earned at age 8 1/2 yrs old). MBIF DC Zuri's Ti-Tanza Wazi Ajabu,SC,LCM 6 (aka Mickii) Mickii is the Number One ASFA Basenji through the year 2000. She has also produced from her only litter, two AKC Dual Champions, ASFA Lure Course of Merit and an ASFA Field Champion. We could not be more proud of this lady! And the rest of the Tanza Kids on the Lure Field..........
Fatia and Tego at 4 Months
Practice makes perfect!!!!
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It is important if you are interested in coursing your Basenji that you spend time at a lure trial and practice your hound. A hound must be at least 1 yr old to compete and must be certified prior to competing to insure that they are coursing the "Bunny" and not the other hounds. A mistake that many owners make is coming out one time, seeing that their Basenji chases the Bunny and immediately want to compete..... Your Basenji needs more than one pracitce and more then one practice with other Basenjis. The best time to start your Basenji is as a young puppy. If you have an older Basenji or maybe a Rescue Basenji, bring them out and see if they are interested. Also, it can take a few times before they get the idea. The most important thing is to go out and have fun. Your Basenji will love you for it!!!!
Field Champion (FCH) Must earn a total of 100 pts, with either 2 first placements or 1 first placement and 2 second placements. Points are awarded on the basis of number of hounds competing with the maximum number of 40 points at any one trial.
Lure Course of Merit (LCM) This is an award that a hound may compete for after receiving a FCH. Requirements are a total of 300 pts, with 4 first placements. A hound can compete for additional LCM Titles with the completion of the 300 pts and 4 first placements. These would be shown as LCM2, LCM3, LCM4, etc.
ASFA Title are shown at the end of the Hound's Name
AKC Titles
Junior Courser (JC) A hound is required to earn a JC title before competing in a regular trial. To receive a JC, a hound must complete two courses, run alone, be judged, and given a "passing" score. This Title (JC) is also shown at the end of the hound's name.
AKC Field Champion (FC or DC) A hound earns its AKC Field Championship title by receiving a total of 15 pts. Points are awarded on the number of hounds entered and are either Major pts or Minor pts (like in the show ring). FC for Field Champion is shown on the front end of your hounds name and if they are an AKC Conformation Champion, it would be shown as DC (Dual Champion)

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